David Pratt
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David’s love of photography began at while studying Architecture at Manchester University working first with 35mm film cameras and black and white film.
In more recent years, he transitioned to digital with the desire to capture and abstract everyday subjects to their basic forms.
He is heavily influenced by the work and observations of the earlier post-war monochrome photographers.
In contrast to the current world of fast-moving imagery, his work endeavours to portray the moods and simple moments in our daily surroundings for contemplation.
David is a member of the Eagle Gallery Artists and The Ampthill and District Camera Club and exhibits work in various photographic and art exhibitions across Bedfordshire
In more recent years, he transitioned to digital with the desire to capture and abstract everyday subjects to their basic forms.
He is heavily influenced by the work and observations of the earlier post-war monochrome photographers.
In contrast to the current world of fast-moving imagery, his work endeavours to portray the moods and simple moments in our daily surroundings for contemplation.
David is a member of the Eagle Gallery Artists and The Ampthill and District Camera Club and exhibits work in various photographic and art exhibitions across Bedfordshire